FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS:We meet all of your language needs Contact us and we will help you! すべての国の生徒様の外国語学習のニーズにお応えします!すぐご連絡ください!
Who are we?
Who are we, Fanfan Chinese Language Academy?
We are a group of professional Chinese teachers from China. Teachers cover different ages and levels. All our lead teachers received their teaching credentials from China and have been teaching in China as well as in Japan for more than 10 years. The lead teachers have also been teaching in major international schools in Tokyo and are well recognized in the Chinese and non-Chinese communities alike.
Flexible correspondence !
We do not set admission fees, large annual tuition fees, or leave of absence fees like other Chinese schools.
Have you ever needed childcare for your child due to an emergency?
When you can't arrange a babysitter for the next day, please remember us. If you are a student who has attended our classes and been registered, it is okay to suddenly join the class. In principle, if you contact us before noon of the previous day, you can participate in the next day's class (only for classes over 3 hours). All Chinese levels and ages are available.
In more urgent cases, we may be able to prepare even on the same day.
Please feel free to contact us !
フレキシブルな対応 !
お気軽にご相談ください !
Fanfan Chinese Language Academy has broad collaborations with major international schools in Tokyo for long years. Many students join after school Chinese classes at international schools and private classes at Fanfan classroom ( very close to each major intgernational schools ).
International School of the Sacred Heart
We also have pick-up services directly from international schools to Fanfan classroom with extra fee.
Fanfan Chinese Language Academyは、東京の主要なインターナショナルスクールと長年にわたって幅広い協力関係を築いています。 インターナショナルスクールの放課後中国語クラスや、各主要インターナショナルスクールのすぐ近くにある教室に下校後も多くの生徒が参加しています。
What is our teaching materials and approach
Our Chinese materials cover age 2 to 18 and all levels. We use official materials from the Chinese government (i.e. Confucius Institute Headquaters, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office to the State Council, Ministry of Education in Taiwan, etc.) and couple that with our own materials designed and crafted by our experienced teachers. We also tweak the materials to fit the context of the children's life in Japan. Whether the child is a native, a non-native, or an overseas Chinese, our teaching substances are able to cover all.
We believe any language teaching shall be fun, interactive and systematic. We therefore have a systematic monitoring system to monitor every child's progress in our class.
Why is Chinese lesson attractive ?
- Leading international schools in Tokyo such as BST, Nishimachi, ASIJ, YIS are all offering Chinese as a second language to their students
- American students can take SAT and TOEFL in Chinese
- Most public American high schools have AP class in Chinese
- Chinese is an official IB subject
- 東京の主なインターナショナル・スクールであるBST(ブリティッシュ・スクール・イン・トーキョー),Nishimachi(西町インターナショナルスクール), ASIJ(アメリカン・スクール・イン・ジャパン), YIS(ヨコハマ・インターナショナル・スクール)はこぞって生徒たちの第二外国語として中国語授業を採用しています。
- アメリカ人生徒はSAT(大学進学適性試験)、TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)を中国語で受験することが可能です
- アメリカのほとんどの高校で中国語の APクラス(Advanced Placement class)が用意されています
- 中国語はIB(国際バカロレア)の正式な科目です
Why learning Chinese?
Guess what the former Australian Prime minister, Kevin Rudd; the successful entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg, former U.S. President Obama's daughter, Malia Obama, Rogers' 2 daughter's and President Trump's grand daughter in common? They all take Chinese as their second language. But why?
* China is the most populous nation in the world, with 1.28 billion people
* One fifth of the planet speaks Chinese. Mandarin Chinese is the mother tongue of over 873 million people, making it the most widely spoken first language in the world.
* In addition to the People's Republic of China and Taiwan, Mandarin Chinese is also spoken in the important and influential Chinese communities of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, and Mongolia.
* China is the second largest economy in the world.
* China is one of largest trading partners of the United States with many US and EU companies do business in China and have long-term investments there.

私たちは、子どもが生後 6 年間に身につける学習パターンと態度が、将来の学習と行動を導くものであると熟知しています。子供たちは次のような時に最もよく学びます。
⦁ ポジティブなセルフイメージを持つ
⦁ 個人として尊重され、大切にされていると感じる
⦁ 自分のペースで物事を開発できる
⦁ 自らの世界を積極的に探索する
⦁ イメージや意味を構築する時間が与えられる
⦁ 自ら選択をする
⦁ 自ら質問をする
⦁ 自らで問題解決
⦁ 学習の場に十分な安心感
⦁ 彼らが愛されていることを知る
⦁ 遊ぶ時!
⦁ 遊びは子どもの仕事だと認識する
⦁ 彼らの遊びをサポートし、拡張する
⦁ 彼らのアイデアを促進する
⦁ 適切な選択肢を提供する
⦁ 子供たちに自ら挑戦する機会を与える
⦁ 興味深く、多角的なで本物の資料を知識として提供する
⦁ 野外活動、フィールドトリップ、特別な訪問者などで教室以外での興味を与える
⦁ 積極的で愛情深い指導を提供する
⦁ 子どもたちが身分で問題を解決できるようにする
⦁ さまざまな学習スタイルを取り入れる
⦁ さまざまな学習モデルの受け入れ
⦁ 学習への愛を持たせる
⦁ 率直で頻繁なコミュニケーションを通じて家族と密な関係を持つ
⦁ 子ども一人ひとりのポジティブなところを強調する
⦁ 幼児期の発達を深く理解し、そこから教師自らも学び続け意欲を持つ
Our emphasis is on educating the whole child - the entire emotional, social, physical, creative and intellectual being. We value and respect each child as an individual and as an important part of our school family. Social development is a central focus of our program, which builds the foundation for successful learning. Children are given many opportunities to make their own choices and participate in decision-making. Conflict resolution skills are taught and practiced.
We use original curriculum which is child -centered, play -centered and based on developmentally appropriate . We believe in providing interesting and fulfilling learning experiences for children to guide their social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth. Encouragement, love, understanding and a sense of comfort are the spirit of our success.
Qualified teachers staff each classroom. Our teachers bring a wealth of experience to the classroom and particpate in ongoing staff development opportunities.
In addition, the abundance of regularly scheduled students provides the children with plenty of individual attention. The children are quick to develop special and lasting relationships with their "college friends."
We believe that the learning patterns and attitudes a child develops the first six years of life are the ones that guide future learning and behaviors.
Because we believe that children learn best when they:
- Have a positive self image
- Feel respected and valued as individuals
- Are allowed to develop at their own rate
- Actively explore their world
- Are given time to construct meaning
- Make choices
- Ask questions
- Solve problems
- Feel safe enough
- Know they are loved
- Play
Teachers support students' learning by:
- Recognizing that play is the work of children
- Supporting and extending their play
- Facilitating their ideas
- Making appropriate choices available
- Appropriately challenging children
- Providing interesting, multi-level and real materials
- Going beyond the classroom with outdoor activities, field trips and special visitors
- Providing positive and loving guidance
- Enabling children to solve problems and resolve conflict
- Engaging different learning styles
- Modeling acceptance
- Modeling a love for learning
- Working closely with families through open and frequent communication
- Emphasizing the positive in each child
- Having a deep understanding of childhood development and a commitment to continue their own learning.
Minamiazabu Campus:
The beautiful environment nearby Arisugawa Park, which is full of greenery, gives you a sense of security and relief on your way to school. About 10 minutes walk from Roppongi Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line, About 10 minutes walk from Hiroo Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line, and about 13 minutes by walk from Roppongi Station on the Toei Oedo Line.
Azabudai Campus:
Azabudai Campus locate in 10 seconds walk from Azabudai-Hills !
Many students enjoy shipping ,lunch and dinner after classes !