FanFan Minami Azabu Campus / Office
The location is perfect. Across the street is the Aiiku-Clinic, diagonally opposite the Arisugawa Memorial Park and the police station, which is a great advantage for experiencing the natural scenery and protecting the safety of children. We have a strong faculty that can provide students with high-quality education.
Address: Arisugawa Hilltop 2F, 5-5-7, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku 106-0047, Tokyo
TEL 03-6625-0464
e-mail: chinese@fanfantokyo.com
FanFan Azabudai Campus
The location is just right next to British school in Tokyo (BST) new Azabudai campus and new landscape Azabudai Hills, a 10 second walk away, and we have a pick-up service from BST.
Address: Bird's eye Azabudai 7F, 1-6-13 , Azabudai, Minato-ku, 106-0041, Tokyo
TEL 03-6826-2660
e-mail chinese@fanfantokyo.com

FanFan Setagaya Campus
New open on DEC 2024

〒158-0095 東京都世田谷区瀬田3-1-8 ラポール上野毛1階 (送迎のための駐車場:6番区画)
Rapport Kaminoge 1F, 3-1-8 , Seta, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo 158-0095
TEL: 03-6826-9865
PARKING : "No.6" of parking lot of the building (only for drop off/ pick up of students)
- 東急大井町線 / 上野毛駅 徒歩12分 Kaminoge station on the Tokyu-Oimachi Line / 12min.walk
- 東急田園都市線 / 用賀駅 徒歩13分 Yoga station on the Tokyu Denen-Toshi Line / 13min.walk
- 東急田園都市線 / 二子玉川駅 徒歩17分 Futakotamagawa station on the Tokyu Denen-Toshi Line / 17min.walk
セントメリーズインターナショナルスクールから車で2分 2min.from ST.MARY'S INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL by car
瀬田インターナショナルスクールから車で2分 2 min. from SETA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL by car
キティインターナショナルスクールから車で2分 2 min. from KITTY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL by car
東京インターナショナルスクールから車で7分 7 min. from TOKYO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL by car